the Netherlands, the model is composed of fragments of the "Boeing" crashed
in Donetsk. From the photographs of debris from the crash site, one can make a
rough reconstruction of the airframe. Among the photos there are at least two
that refute the version of the attack aircraft by the "Buk"complex.
one photo there is an object resembling a rod of aviation R-60M, and in the
other photo - a round hole in the air intake of the right engine. There are at
least nine hole plating which characterize the action of a missile
in the coming week on the 3rd, the 5th and the 6th of March 2015 nearly five
thousand people - relatives and friends of "Boeing" victims – will be
able to see the model of Boeing 777 Malaysian airlines at the airbase Gilze-Riyen
in Holland, collected from the wreckage of the aircraft. The last large
fragments, the whole truck of them are still in the Peter and Paul Fortress - Dutch journalists were able to get to
them only on February 22 2015.
greatest attention is immediately attracted by the left side of the cockpit,
where the plane had a large amount of damage. The biggest hole in the center of
the fragment has torn edges, curved outwards, which is typical for an explosion
inside or decompression due to a sharp drop in pressure.
in the photo, we see more than 20 large round holes, which were also found on the
left side of the cabin and the glass frames.
material the most dense in the cabin - it is made of reinforced aluminum
(according to other sources titanium plates), fitted in two layers in order to
prevent damage to the aircraft when a possible collision with a bird.
to some reports, the thickness of a single layer sheet - 1.8 mm, the other
layer - 0.8 mm. We also know that most of the thickness of the fuselage skin of
"Boeing" -777 - only 2 mm (0.09 inches). When zooming the photos we
see a lot of small marks - "craters" and black soot stains on the
outside of the cabin and the curved to the outside outer skin edges.
indicates that the striking shell exploded in the vicinity of the aircraft
skin. According to some estimates, the distance from the cockpit to the
epicenter of the explosion could be as little as 50 cm to 4.5 m. While the
radius of the affected area by "BUK" is 17 m, the rocket explodes in
front of and above the target, making the hill, and creates a large cloud of six
thousand fragments.
from mh17webtalks: detonation products left countless tracks on fragments of
the cockpit. They lose their ability to cause mechanical damage (lose kinetic
energy) at a distance from the point of the explosionsequal to 15 ... 20
radiuses of (BB shashka). Accordingly, with a radius of 10 ... 15 cm, it is -
1.5 ... 3.0m, From the beginning of the explosion the blast wave runs forward,
followed by hot gases, and then, by fragments. But gas is rapidly inhibited, so
its traces can be found only near the site of the explosion.
the range of undermining "BUK" does not coincide with image, perhaps
it fits according to the size of the holes? To find the diameter of the holes
in the casing of the cabin, we need to know the diameter of the cap standard
aircraft rivets. It is equal to 0.488 inches, or 11 mm.
Соотнеся параметры, получим
ширину пробоин 20-30 мм. Диаметр округлых
отверстий в обшивке кабины в размере 2-3 диаметров шляпки авиационной
parameters, we obtain a width of 20-30 mm holes. The diameter of the circular
openings in the casing equal to 2-3 diameters aviation rivets heads.
the first photo a few holes have barely visible yellow-red edges - perhaps a
trace of copper shell of projectile.
(The introduction of the bullet into the
target it leaves the particles on the hole while pushing the material obstacles
forward and moving it).
in the fission "BUK" there is no copper, however it is present on equipment
of air guns.
you can clearly see tape armor-piercing and high-explosive charges in aircraft
guns, missile elements of cylindrical shape.
the cannons GS-30 shoots
from a few tens of round and oval holes in the front of the "Boeing" there
are at least five holes which have rectangular and square shapes. However, none
of them hit casing directly from the outside, therefore their size is difficult
to determine. But we are talking about the size of more than 1 cm.
in the Description of the rocket "air-to-air" P-60, for example, there
is a reference to the presence of ready cubes weighing 2-3 g in the shirt of a
racket, in addition to fragmentation rods. Attention is also drawn to the
lining of the side of the cockpit. Charge of high-explosive fragmentation
warhead can enter in a variety of surfaces of the "Boeing" at
different angles. Depending on this shape of the hole will change, round shape (in
contact with the spherical member at a right angle) to an oblong (acute angle).
Here's how it looks in contact with the metal of a simple cartridge.
this explains the presence different size holes on one of the pieces of skin on
the side of the cockpit.
Comparing with heads of rivets, the size of
these holes ranges from 3 cm to 10 cm in length. The angle of the shards can be
equal to 25-30 degrees.
How the "BUK" shoots. Rocket 9M38M1 used in complexes "BUK
-M1", consists of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 70 kg
9N314. In its foundation 32 kg of sub munitions are included (4500 items
weighing 8 g in the form of an I-beam (average between the letters H and
X) and 1500 cubes weighing 4 g

a web there is a photo of one of the missile combat units..Shards-Beams - 13
mm. The diameter of the dice is less than 10 mm.

of the users of "LiveJournal" conducted an experiment – this is the
kind of traces had to be left by "BUK" in the skin of
"Boeing" if at least some fragments of 4500 flew into it at an angle
close to right angle.
detailed description of the experiment HERE.
There are no similar holes with a similar size
found on the wreckage of the "Boeing". According to the author of the
experiment, debris flying at a speed of 1200 ms, should leave a clearer
footprint on the thin material of the fuselage than in the casing with a
reinforced aluminum layer of the cabin. Adjusted for the high-explosive charge
and the defeat angle fragments of The Buk can leave traces of diameter 18-20 mm
in the skin of the aircraft. Read more about the real dimensions of the holes
left by high-explosive shells.
it looks like the aircraft fired from the "Buk"? The network has
photos of the wreckage of three aircraft shot down over the last 15 years,
presumably because of anti-aircraft missile systems "Buk". In all
cases, the crew remained alive for some time after the missile strike.
all cases, the aircraft skin looks about the same - a lot of small round or
slotted holes. Read more here.
wreckage of the AN-26 shot down in Ukraine July 14, 2014 at an altitude of 6500
is a fact that June 29, 2014 militia seized the military unit 1402 in Donetsk,
where there was a faulty installation of a "BUK", however, while
representatives of the DNR stated that they were not going to fix it.
is known for example that the existing arsenal of Ukraine complexes
"Wasp" is also able to achieve goals like the AN-26 or Su-25 at an
altitude of 6000 m.
Holes in the shape of rods. One of the rods
is found
see in the ruins at least three cutting holes: on the left wing, near the
second door on the left, on the elements of the tail section.For example, a
hole in the casing adjacent the second left door has a length of about 10 cm.
Left wing
The floor in a cabin next
to second door on the left
to this hole we can find an elongated element that looks like a piece of rod
warhead aircraft missiles "air-to-air" P-60M. Original photo
Sheathing the bottom of the fuselage near the
second left door Source
On the Left - Rod warhead on Ukrainian fighter planes (Source).
To the right: a missile part of R-60

The Su-25M1, R-60M Material rod warhead - an alloy of zirconium and molybdenum
/ tungsten. Battle part of the relatively low power, mostly efficient in
penetrating into the structure of the aircraft target. Blaster – no contact radio
controlled fuses "Hummingbird" (developed in 1971) and contact
backup. Radius of radio controlled fuses tripping - 5 m. The radius of
destruction - 2.5 m. Source
is a description of warhead R-60M (62M product). It differs from classic long
thin arrow-shaped rods, export version is a set of "pseudorods."
Submunitions are made of heavier tungsten. "Gush striking elements of
tungsten, twice heavier than alloy steel, cut the power and set the wing or the
airframe and engines," - said in the description of the warhead R-60M.V
some sources indicate weight of rods - 3 years Weight of a warhead - 3 kg.
Laying of rods made in the body with a triangular trim - rods, probably have a
triangular cross-section: "The space between the shell and core of the GGE
filled with TNT having pyramidal recess next to each housing a semi-damaging
elements ... Pieces of weight 3g, accelerate to a speed of 7,5km/s. (Source)
Rod warhead R-60M
(62M) with tungsten rods, stacked perpendicular, leaves not linear, but the
huge delta, or diamond-shaped holes.
Only the P-62 were
exported, and since the 1980 P-62M were exported, 70% of both missiles had fragmentation
(or "pseudorod") rather than a rod warhead. Source
incoming delta-torn holes we found, for example, the right side in the casing
of the second cabin. On one of them there is a visible trace of soot. In
addition, two of these holes can be seen in the floor of the front luggage
compartment near the cockpit. Six delta and diamond-shaped holes:
three cutting holes on the left wing and the lower portion of the plane skin
adjacent to the second left door:
of the holes coincide with lesions of the Battle part of the P-60M, installed
on the Su-25M1, the missile could be induced on the engine of the
"Boeing", but explode at 5 m away from it, including near the left
wing and the floor at Exit L2 - where two typical rod holes were found.
Production Association "Arsenal" was modernizing missiles. Rockets
was established almost all aspect infrared guidance system OGS-75T
"Mosquito-M". (Increase angle to 2/4 or even 1/4 (possibility of
starting in the forward hemisphere purpose bearing at a certain angle) provided
by the cooling of the photodetector GOS. Series production was carried out NPK
"Progress" (Kiev, source). The angle of targeting - Sector 34
degrees. The rate of displacement of the goal is maximum - 35 deg / s).
is also possible that after activation of a lifting charge at maximum proximity
to the "Boeing" the warhead opened, and the racket P-60 hit the
inside lining "Boeing" in the area near the landing gear motors.
How they killed the
"Boeing" MH17
the latest reply of MH17 crew until the loss of communication with the aircraft
it took only seven seconds. The crew did not have time to inform the traffic
controllers of any threatening situation (if you believe in the authenticity of
the "lost" recordings from air traffic control in Dnepropetrovsk),
which means that events in the cockpit developed rapidly.
"Boeing" has turned and abruptly lost speed - from 900 to 400 km.h
km.ch. continued to float from the height of 10 thousand meters to a height of
about 2 thousand meters. Residents of Grabovo and Torez heard two very loud
bangs in the sky. Descended below the clouds, "Boeing" began to
crumble - closest to the place of the accident a big piece of the fuselage has
landed. A part of the business class cabin and the second economy class were found
in Petropavlosk.
in Raasipnoe a loose cockpit was found, and the bodies of more than 40 people.
The tail and the central part of the fuselage with the landing gear and wings
flew the farthest - in the village Grabovo. From July 2014 to February 2015 the
majority of Boeing debris have been found.
right wing is missing as well as the right side of the business class and the
nose of the "Boeing". Until now three passengers of the aircraft are
not identified. Altogether 298 people were on board. In the body of the pilot,
according to the Malaysian press, metal fragments were found.
25 metal objects that caused the suspicion of investigators were found. Most of
damage was caused to the left side of a cabin, cabin floor sheathing, numerous
holes are visible in the area of the commanders chair, a few holes - in the
copilot's seat. At least four holes are visible in the body of the commander.
All these holes are rounded.
backrest of the second pilot - the numerous holes in the side and back can be
Given the remnants of soot
and many small black dots- traces the impact of the detonation products, a missile
unloaded - outside the cockpit at a close range.
Given the height of flight
- 10 thousand meters the cabin could be reached only either by anti-aircraft
missile system (C300, "CBO") or by a missile "air-to-air".
since there are no traces on the cockpit from the impact of rod submunitions,
but a lot of round holes with jagged edges – it is caused by the explosion by the
high-explosive shells. Such shells with rounded striking elements are used in
cannons GS-30 and also typical for the missiles of "ground-to-air"
S-200 and S-300.
in the wreckage of "Boeing" there are no cross-like traces - the
predominant elements of BUK missiles, and the explosion occurred at a distance
of not more than 5 m, the version of the BUK application can be rejected. C200 complexes
in Ukraine are "idle" since 2001, no one recorded launching missiles
C300 in the area.
there was a version of a plane or two Su-25M1 - upgraded with stormtroopers.
The planes were a part of Ukranian arsenal. At the time of the tragedy the
Ukrainian Air Force had five such aircrafts- one of six Su-25M1 Ukrainian was
shot down the day before the "Boeing" accident.
addition to the discovered in the wreckage of a rod like object of P-60M this
version is supported by the chip found in the right engine of the air intake
piece of the "Boeing".
chip is lying inverted "upside down" - on the left edge a piece of
torn inner lining is visible, and the right side - outside, with subtle logo
letters RR. If the piece is flipped, it will be the upper part of the right engine air intake.
is a small hole found on the right engine of the "Boeing" according
to the authoritative source Wall
Street Journal. Edge of the hole hollowed out, in which case the fragment
struck the air intake, having arrived from the tail. There is another piece of
the engine - the rim of the turbine with the traces of incoming holes, but to
which of the engines it belongs, it is impossible to tell from the photos. It
is known that the chip was found in the vicinity of Petropavlovsl, where right
inlet was lying. However, the left door was found here, located in front of the
left engine.
If it is really a piece of
the right engine, it means that the shootings were carried out from the air cannons
rear right, and then right across the board side and the right engine to the
cockpit. Most likely, the shots were fired at close range (about 500-700 m).
right part of the skin "Boeing" between the cab and the second right
door is not found (in any case, its photographs in the public domain are absent).
WSJ photographed the debris of baggage shelves on the right side of the
business class, and at the air base of the Gilze-Riyen journalists were banned
from approaching it. The wreckage of a business class was covered by glued squares
as objects related to the investigation.
The Malaysian Boeing has suffered a combined blow by Su-25 M1. The first firing
of the Su-25M1 was conducted on the flight path "Boeing" in pursuit -
most likely, the fighter jet was on the right side from the tail of the
aircraft and it shot while moving in the direction of the right side engine, -
in this direction fighter jet fired several shots from cannons caliber 23mm or
30mm .
the first firing pilots died and there was a massive decompression in the cabin
– electronics went out of service, the aircraft spun to the left, and
"Boeing" was probably attacked again, now on the left side - in the
cockpit area from side of the commander of the crew by a rocket P-60M in the
area of the left engine and the left door, which have traces of the destruction by stem